What can estate agents expect with the new Property Practitioners Bill
“I run a small estate agency in town. I’ve been hearing about the new Property Practitioners Act that’s on its way and that will hold important changes for us as estate agents. What will be the main changes that we should expect from this new law?”
For over 40 years estate agents have been regulated by the Estate Agency Affairs Act 112 of 1976 (“Act”). But that is set to change with the new Property Practitioners Bill (“Bill”) which is likely to be passed into law in the near future and holds important changes for estate agents and other property specialists. Read more...
Wat kan eiendomsagente verwag van die nuwe Wetsontwerp op Eiendompraktisyns?
“Ek bedryf ‘n klein eiendomsagentskap op die dorp. Ek hoor al ’n geruime tyd van die nuwe Wetsontwerp op Eiendomspraktisyns wat aan die kom is, en dat dit belangrike veranderinge inhou vir ons as eiendomsagente. Wat is die grootste veranderinge wat ons van hierdie nuwe wet kan verwag?”
Vir meer as 40 jaar is eiendomsagente gereguleer deur die Wet op Eiendomsagentskapaangeleenthede, 112 van 1976 (“Wet”). Dit sal egter verander met die nuwe Wetsontwerp op Eiendomspraktisyns (“Wetsontwerp”) wat waarskynlik in die nabye toekoms as wet aanvaar sal word, en belangrike veranderinge vir eiendomsagente en ander eiendomspesialiste sal inhou. Meer inligting....
How should I plan for my minor child to inherit?
07 February 2018
“My wife and I have a young daughter. We are planning to update our estate planning to provide that our daughter inherits everything should both of us pass, but have been wondering what will happen if this happens while she is a minor? Can we plan for this eventuality?”
Our law determines that minor children (under the age of 18) cannot enter into contracts without the consent of their legal guardian (parent or court appointed guardian). By implication, this limitation also prohibits minors from inheriting assets while they are still minors. Rightly so, it raises the question of who will look after assets that a minor child stands to inherit.
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Hoe moet ek beplan dat my minderjarige kind erf?
07 February 2018
“My vrou en ek het ‘n jong dogter. Ons beplan om ons boedelbeplanning op te dateer om voorsiening te maak vir ons dogter om alles te erf sou beide van ons gelyktydig tot sterwe kom, maar ons wonder wat sal gebeur sou dit die geval wees terwyl sy minderjarig is? Kan ons beplan vir hierdie gebeurlikheid?”
Ons reg bepaal dat minderjarige kinders (onder die ouderdom van 18) nie kontrakte kan sluit sonder die toestemming van hul wettige voog nie (ouer of hofaangewese voog). By implikasie, sal hierdie beperking ook minderjariges verhoed om bates te erf terwyl hulle steeds minderjarig is. Regtens so, ontstaan die vraag dan wie na bates behoort te kyk wat ‘n minderjarige kind moet erf. Meer inligting...
Rent cheap now, so you can save up to buy later.
Cath Jenkin • Sep 19, 2018
Here's how choosing to rent a cheaper property for a while, will help you buy your own home much faster.
Busting the myth
Buying your very first home is a big leap of life, but it’s not a step to be taken lightly, especially during tough financial times. You may think you need to scrimp and save for your first deposit, but it’s easier than you realise. You CAN afford to save for a deposit for your own home, while you rent, and it’s easier than you think. Read more...
Why you shouldn't reject a fast offer on your house
Press • Sep 14, 2018
If you were to ask home sellers how they would like the transaction to go, most would probably say that what they would really like is an offer to purchase at close to their asking price, as soon as possible.
However, says Gerhard Kotzé, MD of the RealNet estate agency group, those same sellers will often develop misgivings if their wish is granted and they receive a strong offer shortly after listing.
“In areas where there is strong demand and a shortage of homes for sale, it is not uncommon even now for a good agent to receive offers within a few days of a property being listed for sale – and sometimes even within a few hours. This is especially likely if the seller has worked with the agent to set a highly market-related asking price and the property is in move-in condition. Read More ....